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Outpatient Clinic
Paulding County Hospital
1035 W. Wayne
Paulding, OH 45879


Office Hours

Mon, Tues, Thurs 9AM-4:30PM
Wednesday 9AM-12PM
Friday – Nursing Home Visits

1035 W Wayne St, Paulding, OH 45879, USA


Common Questions

Can I lose My Hearing Suddenly?

Approximately 4,000 new cases of sudden deafness occur each year in the United States. Hearing loss affects only 1 ear in 9 out of 10 people who experience sudden deafness. Only 10 to 15 percent of patients with sudden deafness know what caused their loss.

How many people experience tinnitus?

Roughly 10 percent of the U.S. adult population, or about 25 million Americans, has experienced tinnitus lasting at least five minutes in the past year.

How does exposure to loud noise impact your hearing?

Approximately 15 percent (26 million) of Americans between the ages of 20 and 69 have high frequency hearing loss due to exposure to loud sounds or noise at work or in leisure activities.

Is there a connection between hearing loss and age?

There is a strong relationship between age and reported hearing loss: 18 percent of American adults 45-64 years old, 30 percent of adults 65-74 years old, and 47 percent of adults 75 years old or older have a hearing loss.

What percentage of American adults report hearing loss?

Approximately 17 percent of American adults report some degree of hearing loss.

Which gender is more likely to experience hearing loss?

Men are more likely to experience hearing loss than women.

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Outpatient Clinic
Paulding County Hospital
1035 W. Wayne
Paulding, OH 45879